Page Title


Sentek SoluSAMPLER

Sentek SoluSAMPLER, Low Flow
Sentek SoluSAMPLER, Low Flow
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Sentek SoluSAMPLER, High Flow
Sentek SoluSAMPLER, High Flow
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SoluSAMPLER - Stopcock (10 Pack)
SoluSAMPLER - Stopcock (10 Pack)
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IrriMAX9 software, CD-ROM
IrriMAX9 software, CD-ROM
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IrriMAX9 software, Full Premium licence
IrriMAX9 software, Full Premium licence
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IrriMAX9 software, Full Standard licence
IrriMAX9 software, Full Standard licence
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Brochure, Sentek SoluSAMPLER
Brochure, Sentek SoluSAMPLER
Product Number: 82072
The Sentek SoluSAMPLER is a soil solution sampler that draws moisture from the surrounding soil and stores it in an inert ceramic cup, awaiting collection and analysis. It is the ideal complement to the TriSCAN sensor, enabling precise site specific analysis of soil pore water salinity content. 

Sentek SoluSAMPLER Types:

Low Flow - suitable for most applications
High Flow - suitable for light texture and moist soils (for rapid sampling)

Sample Analysis
Samples of soil pore water are extracted from the ceramic cup using a syringe. Analysis of the water can be carried out by:

 • Portable Electrical Conductivity (EC) meter
 • Nitrate strips
 • Laboratory analysis

Salinity and Nitrate Monitoring
Salinity and nitrate monitoring is important as:

 • Saline water can reduce crop quality and yield
 • Irrigation efficiency may lead to an increased risk of harmful salt accumulation in the rootzone
 • Measurement can detect salt before visual symptoms are seen
 • Nitrate levels are important for crop yields
 • Nitrate leaching into groundwater can have serious health consequences